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  • Writer's pictureSOS Bookkeeping & Taxes

What Your Bookkeeper Needs from you!

What your bookkeeper needs is pretty simple but for many of us it can feel overwhelming pulling it all together.

Lets try to make it simple.

Here are the basics.

Bank Statements

You may be surprised to find out that your Bank Statements are one of the most important pieces of paperwork that we as your bookkeepers need from you. We cannot do our job with out them. If you do online banking a lot of banks allow you to print E-statements right from their site! Be cautious though, we need the statement NOT the print of transactions.

Bank Deposit Slips

Many of us use mobile banking with all of its wonderful conveniences. If you have not jumped on that bandwagon or deal with cash sales often enough that you still have to head to the bank. Your bookkeeper NEEDS to see a copy of those deposit slips!! Please don't forget those.

Tracking your expenses.

This one is easier then it sounds. You are better off giving us more then we need then not enough. All of those little receipts you have shoved in the glove box or in your purse might be something you don't think twice about but for your bookkeeper they are important. Those tiny papers help us determine if you have a claimable expense. I have had to not claim valid expenses for clients because they couldn't find the receipt. So, when in doubt keep it! Shove it in your file folder under expenses just in case!


Weather you are an independent contractor, direct sales or own a store you have to be tracking your income. It's is very important that you explain your methods to your bookkeeper and include that with your paperwork. Copies of your invoices are so important that way we can keep your financials up to date.


We are like detectives. We have to know the when, the where and the why's to all of your paperwork. That means that there will be a lot of questions that require answers. It can be frustrating being asked the same question over and over again but for us to best serve you we need answers. Your willingness to be open and patient with the questions is going to help us make your business successful.

Icing on Top

If you want to go that extra mile for your bookkeeper without the stress of sorting your own receipts. Keep a pen in your car and take a second to write on the top whether it is personal or for the business. A little extra information helps a lot!

Every business is different just like every business owner. That means that the type of paperwork that you "need" to remember may differ slightly. If you have any

bookkeeping needs please feel free to contact us. We are here to help.

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